First Aid/CPR/AED - Online Course with Classroom Skills

Apr 5, 2022

Why Choose RN Patient Advocates

Welcome to RN Patient Advocates, your trusted partner in healthcare consulting. As a leading provider of consulting and analytical services in the business and consumer services industry, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality training programs. When it comes to First Aid, CPR, and AED certification, we stand out from the rest.

Become Certified in Life-Saving Techniques

Our comprehensive First Aid/CPR/AED online course, combined with a classroom skills session, will equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively respond to emergencies. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a concerned parent, or an individual seeking skills for personal development, our program is designed to meet your needs.

Online Course

Our online course is the perfect option for those who prefer flexibility and convenience. Accessible anytime, anywhere, you can learn at your own pace. Our engaging modules cover topics such as:

  • Introduction to First Aid, CPR, and AED
  • Recognizing and responding to medical emergencies
  • Basic life support techniques
  • Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
  • Managing common injuries and illnesses

Our online course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge, setting the stage for the practical skills session.

Classroom Skills Session

Complementing the online course, our classroom skills session brings the theoretical knowledge to life. Led by experienced instructors, you'll have the opportunity to practice and refine your skills in a supportive and interactive environment.

During the classroom session, you'll learn:

  • Proper hands-on techniques for CPR
  • Effective use of first aid equipment
  • Teamwork and communication during emergency situations
  • Scenario-based simulations to enhance your problem-solving abilities

Expert Instructors and High-Quality Training Materials

At RN Patient Advocates, we prioritize your learning experience. That's why our instructors are highly qualified healthcare professionals with extensive experience in emergency response and training. They are dedicated to ensuring you gain the confidence and skills needed to handle critical situations.

In addition, our training materials are meticulously curated to provide you with up-to-date information and best practices in the field of First Aid, CPR, and AED.

Why First Aid/CPR/AED Certification Matters

Obtaining First Aid, CPR, and AED certification is more than just a credential. It empowers you to make a difference in emergency situations, potentially saving lives. Whether it's administering life-saving techniques during a cardiac arrest or providing immediate attention to someone in need, your training can make all the difference.

Sign Up Today and Make a Difference

Don't wait another moment to gain the essential skills you need to respond confidently during emergencies. Sign up for our First Aid/CPR/AED online course with a classroom skills session on April 15, 2023, in Sacramento, CA. Join the many individuals who have chosen RN Patient Advocates for their training needs and become a certified life-saver. Enroll now!