Banks & Credit Unions: Counter Fake Money

Nov 26, 2023


Counterfeit money poses a significant risk to businesses, especially those in the banking sector and credit unions. The rise in counterfeit currency circulation necessitates the need for comprehensive measures to identify and tackle this issue. At, we are committed to providing reliable information about counterfeit money to help businesses protect themselves and their customers.

Understanding Counterfeit Money

Counterfeit money refers to fraudulent currency that imitates legitimate bills. Criminals often create counterfeit notes using advanced printing techniques, making it challenging to detect these fakes with the naked eye. However, with the right knowledge and tools, businesses can effectively identify and verify counterfeit money.

Identifying Counterfeit Currency

To protect your business and customers from counterfeit money, it's essential to be aware of the key security features found on legitimate bills. Here are some of the most commonly used security features:


Legitimate currency often features a watermark, which appears when you hold the bill up against a light source. This watermark typically depicts a portrait of a famous figure from the country's history.

Security Thread

A security thread is a thin, embedded strip that runs vertically across the bill. Hold the bill up to the light, and you should see a continuous line with microprinting of the currency denomination.

Color Shifting Ink

Many legitimate bills use ink that changes color when tilted. This effect adds an extra layer of security and helps differentiate a genuine bill from a counterfeit one.

Raised Printing

A genuine bill often has raised printing, which you can feel by lightly running your fingers over it. Counterfeit notes may lack this textured feel.

Ultraviolet (UV) Features

Using an ultraviolet light, certain security features become visible. Check for UV ink patterns and other UV elements to confirm the authenticity of a bill.

Dealing with Counterfeit Money

If you suspect a bill to be counterfeit, it's crucial to follow the proper procedures to ensure its removal from circulation. Here's what you can do:

Contact Local Law Enforcement

Report the discovery of counterfeit money to your local law enforcement agency immediately. They will guide you on the necessary steps to take and may require the counterfeit bill as evidence.

Document the Incident

Make detailed notes about how you obtained the counterfeit bill, including any relevant information about the individual or situation. Providing accurate information will support the investigation.

Notify Your Bank

If you come across counterfeit money, contact your bank or credit union as soon as possible. They will assist you in exchanging the counterfeit bill for a genuine one.

Preventative Measures

Preventing counterfeit money from entering circulation is a proactive approach businesses can take. Here are some preventative measures:

Invest in Counterfeit Detection Tools

Consider purchasing and utilizing counterfeit detection tools such as UV lights, counterfeit detectors, and bill validators. These tools can help identify fraudulent bills effectively.

Educate Employees

Train your employees to recognize counterfeit money by conducting workshops or providing educational resources. Familiarize them with the security features on legitimate bills to improve their detection skills.

Stay Informed

Keep yourself updated on the latest trends and advancements in counterfeit money production. Being aware of new techniques employed by criminals will allow you to maintain a higher level of vigilance.


Counterfeit money is a persistent concern for businesses, especially those in the banking sector and credit unions. By staying informed, implementing preventative measures, and educating employees, you can protect your business and customers from the risks associated with counterfeit currency. Visit for more comprehensive information on counter fake money and safeguard your business today.